
Wednesday, August 11, 2010

My Exploration into finding a GOOD Gluten Free bread - or Bread recipe.

My Exploration into finding a GOOD Gluten Free bread - or Bread recipe.

by Marta Winans Soucek Vincent on Saturday, August 7, 2010 at 9:03am
So I ate a slice of the GF bread yesterday and it was...ok. This morning I toasted a slice to go with my eggs, and it's ...ok, I guess. It's drier, even though it's been in a plastic bag, and it didn't really toast. It just got warm.

I got a recommendation for a good GF bread from Udi's, but that came from CT, so don't know if it's available here anywhere. But my cousin gave me the link, and there is a recipe book I can get fairly inexpensively on called "Gluten Free Every Day" by Robert Landolphi. I think I may try it.

My sister said she made a loaf of GF bread in her son's bread machine from a book he had purchased, and that it came out good, so i asked for the recipe. I have the bread machine.

So, onward and upward...

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